Understanding COVID19 A to Z from Experts || Session-1
Session I :
Date & Time: 16th April 2021, Friday at 10 PM.
Introduction to Virology, Pathogenesis and usual presentation of COVID 19
Topic 1 : (20mins)
Virology of SARS-CoV-2 – Genome, Mutation and Diagnosis.
Speaker –
Dr. Mohammad Jamal Uddin, MD (Virology).
Lecturer, Microbiology,
Virologist at NIPSOM Lab.
Topic 2 : (20 mins)
Pathogenesis and Common Presentations of COVID 19
Speaker: Dr Syed Gulum Mugni, Associate Professor, Dhaka Medical College
Panel of Experts:
* Prof. Abdullah Al Shafi Majumder, Secretary General, Bangladesh Cardiac Society
*Prof. Ridwanur Rahman, Professor, Universal Medical College, Dhaka
*Prof. Titu Miah, Principal, Dhaka Medical College.
* Dr. Fahmida Khanam, Assoc. Professor, Virology.
Lab in charge and Virologist at NIPSOM Lab.
Course Directors:
* Prof.Dr. Abdul Wadud Chowdhury, Professor & Head, Department of Cardiology, Dhaka Medical College
* Dr Mohsin Ahmed
Associate Professor, National Istitute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Dhaka