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Background: Although low- and middle-income countries account for more than 80% of global deaths and 85% of global disability from CVD, with a few notable exceptions, knowledge and understanding of CVD risk factors are largely derived from data obtained in developed countries. Atherosclerosis and its complications develop over the entire life course as a result of combined influences of lifestyle-related factors, environmental triggers, and genetic susceptibility. Clinically overt CVD is usually preceded by the presence of one or more risk factors and subclinical atherosclerosis, and the relationship between risk factors and CVD outcomes represents a continuum.

Objective: To find out the trends of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk factors and their outcome among Bangladeshi population.

Methodology: This cross sectional study was carried out from selected urban, sub urban and rural areas in Bangladesh.  Purposive sampling was adopted to select the samples according to fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in this study.  Data were collected from four areas of Bangladesh, 200 from rural, 194 from Urban and 106 from Sub-urban. Statistical analyses were carried out by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 23.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). P values <0.05 was considered as statistically significant.


210 (38.7%) subjects were hypertensive, 91 (16.8%) were smoker, 210 (38.6%) subjects were diabetic, 343(63.2%) dyslipidemic and 82 (15.1%) subjects were obese.

Prevalence of diabetes was highest (57%) among the age group three (age 38-47). Dislipidemia, Hypertension, Obesity were also highest in the age group three (71%, 53%, 20%, 69.6% respectively) All the risk factor except obesity were more common among men rather than women. 10 years ASCVD risk score was highest (23.77±15.32) in the age group V (78+age), and lowest (2.62±2.69) in group I (38-47 age).  Life time risk score is highest (46.95±12.28) among the age group V (58-67) and lowest (22.00±24.04) among the age group VI.

People who have only one risk factor are less likely to develop ishchemic heart disease (9.6%). On the other hand people who have three, four or five risk factors are more likely to develop ishchemic heart disease ( 71.4%, 83.3%, 100% respectively)

Conclusion: This study demonstrates that among all the atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk factors dyslipidemia is more common among population (63.2%). People from age group 38-47 are more prevalent to risk factors. Males are more exposed to the risk factors than females.  People who are exposed to more risk factors are more likely to develop atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

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