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Screening for Cervical Cancer (By VIA Test) Among Selected Garments Worker In Chattogram, Bangladesh

Background: Bangladesh is a densely populated country of South East Asia with low resource setting where cervical cancer is the 2nd leading cause of female cancer. However, more than 80% cases are diagnosed at advanced and inoperable stage. Regarding socio demographic context of this country VIA has been introduced as a screening method for cervical cancer which is simple, cost effective, and acceptable test for all women. In Bangladesh among 3 million garment workers more than 80% are women. All the risk factors for cancer cervix are prevalent among them, but are often neglected.

The objective of this study was to identify prevalence of VIA positive cases among garment workers .So that it can give us an idea about the prevalence of cervical cancer in this working group.

Materials and Methods:  It was a cross –sectional observational study conducted in some selected garment factories in Chattogram city of Bangladesh from January 2021 to July 2021, where 534 female workers were enrolled for VIA test.

Results: Of the respondents 56% were 30 years or younger ,38% from 31 to 40 years. Among 534 participants, 44.9% completed primary education,  39.1% smoker and 34.5% had their children at early age. Majority (86.7%) had excessive whitish vaginal discharge. Post coital bleeding and irregular bleeding was present in 2.6% and 2.2% respectively. Considering awareness, 61.8% had idea about cervical canceran and only 1.1% had undergone VIA test in the past. Lastly in our study we found that 2.4% of participants were VIA positive cases.

Conclusion: While making public health policies and implementation of any cervical cancer control program it is important to include the female garment workers.

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