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IPDI Cathlab Manual Series-1 | IPDI Virtual Fellows Course

Lecture: IPDI Cathlab Manual Series-1 “IPDI Virtual Fellows Course”

Prof. Dr. Abdul Wadud Chowdhury
Chairperson & Course Director, IPDI

Dr. Mohsin Ahmed
Secretary General & Course Director, IPDI

Chief Guest:
Prof. Dr. Tan Huay Cheem
Director, National University Heart Center, Singapore

Prof. Dr. Chowdhury Meskat Ahmed
Dr. Khaled Mohsin
Dr. Kaisar Nasrullah Khan

Dr. Nur Alam
Topic: Patient selection for angiogram and patient preparation for cathlab procedure

Dr. AKM Mmwarul Islam
Topic: Echocardiographic evaluation before angiogram

Dr. Anisur Awal
Topic: Guide to 100% successful femoral access and safe closure

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